How I built a six-figure social media marketing agency

Confession time: I have never had a ‘real job’ - by that I mean, a full-time, post-grad, adult, work-for-someone-else job. Of course, I had many part-time jobs when I was a student from selling candles and lotions at the mall to waitressing at my hometown diner. But ever since I graduated in 2018, I dove straight into full-time freelance, and in the past nearly 5 years, I’ve grown a boutique social media marketing agency called Creatorly Media, that generates six figures in revenue. I’ll just be transparent, this was my first year passing $300,000 in sales, and while I know there are lots of gurus on social media bragging about making way more than that - I’m pretty proud of it. (Remember, that’s revenue - not take-home profit, or my salary)

Okay, but it wasn’t always like this - when I started down this path in 2018 it was just me, totally solo. And in today’s episode, I wanted to tell you how I did it. (And answer some of the questions you all sent in over Instagram like How I got my first clients, how I decided how much to pay my team, and how I got comfortable with financial planning and handling bigger numbers!)

Look, this stuff takes time. I would never suggest you can build a six-figure business overnight - it took me several years to figure this all out. I never went to school for business, and I’ve never even hired a business coach, I trial-and-errored my way through it, and I’m so glad that I did.

If you have more questions about my business journey, I’d be happy to answer them - just shoot me DM on Instagram.


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