How to start a successful Podcast in 2023

It’s 2023 and you’re still thinking about starting a podcast - now is the time, my friend! My goal by the end of this episode is that you will have a definitive plan for producing and launching your podcast this year. If you’re still on the fence, let me tell you this: podcasting is one of the best ways to build a loyal audience who is interested in buying from you - second only to my YouTube channel, my podcast - which you’re listening to right now, is the biggest lead generator for my creative agency, Creatorly Media. If you’re an online business owner, a coach, consultant, or even just a creator - a podcast is the perfect way to establish your expertise, build an audience, and start making money online.

Okay, if that didn’t convince you, maybe this will…

Did you know that a report done at the end of 2022 stated that there are 464.7 million podcast listeners globally? It is predicted that there will be around 504.9 million podcast listeners worldwide by the end of 2024. Those are huge numbers and even though there are a lot of existing podcasts, you could be one of them.

Still not convinced? Here are a few more reasons you should start a podcast this year.

Beyond just building a loyal audience, having a podcast also gives you even more credibility on whatever topic you want to discuss. Fun fact - studies show that 80% of the people who listen to podcasts on a regular basis tend to stick around until the end of most episodes.

Podcasts also are essentially free to start. I will chat about this more in the episode, but you don’t need money to get started. This is a low-risk, high-reward marketing option for your brand or business. Okay, just in case - I will give you one more reason and then we will jump into the “how-to” part of the episode. Starting a podcast doesn't have to be hard: if you don't have the time to invest in researching new topics or interviewing guests, why not repurpose other aspects of your business? Do you have a blog? You could turn this into a script for your Podcast. Do you have a YouTube channel? Maybe one of your videos can be turned into audio only and repurposed as a podcast. I am actually going to be doing that for this episode. I recently posted a video all about Podcast tips, so I am going to be pulling some audio snippets from that video to save me a little time this week with planning and recording - because while you’re listening to this episode - I made my way to Spain on a personal and business trip.

So, starting a podcast is free, doesn’t have to be hard, builds a loyal audience and leads for your business, and can make you more credible. Now you have to be convinced, right? Let’s start planning.

One of the biggest hesitations I see most people struggling with when starting a podcast is just the beginning process of creating the artwork, launching, and getting on apple podcast, Spotify, etc. If that's your only hang-up, we can help you with the start-up and launch of your podcast at Creatorly Media. And if you still are struggling and want some more helpful tips on starting a podcast, I do have a video series all about it on my YouTube Channel, which is just - so you can check that out too.


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