How to set your goals as a content creator

Now that we have officially entered 2023, it’s time to set goals and keep on track to reach them. There are so many different theories and methods to goal setting, but I like to keep a more simple approach - as I truly believe this is what will help you actually achieve them… and I am going to tell you all about it, let’s get started!

Break it down

As creatives, we usually have a million ideas floating around and it’s hard to just choose just a few main goals or priorities, but to make sure you have the bandwidth to accomplish your goals, I suggest only having a small handful of goals and breaking these down into actionable steps. Here is how this will work.

First, choose three main areas in your business you want to work on or that you plan to set goals under. For example, for Creatorly - our three areas are Social Media Metric Goals, Team Culture Goals, and Revenue Goals.

Once you have established the areas in your business you want to focus on, I suggest setting 2-3 goals within each category. Maybe you want to hit 10k on Instagram, maybe you want to hire your first assistant, maybe you want to make $2k per month from your business, etc.

Now that you have determined what your goals are, you need to figure out what you need to do to achieve them. These are your action items. If you are trying to hit metric goals, the action item might be posting consistently and being intentional about your target audience. If you are trying to hit revenue goals, maybe you want to start reviewing your revenue stats monthly. You get the point.

Quarterly Check In

Now, you can’t just set goals - you have to maintain them and keep yourself on track. Each quarter, take time to assess your progress and what you should keep doing or change in order to reach the goals you set at the beginning of the year. I suggest asking yourself a few questions during this time.

1. What worked over the last few months? Let’s celebrate our wins, right? What steps did you take that helped you get closer to your goals? What brought you joy or made you feel calmer?

2. What didn’t work over the last few months? Here’s where we identify opportunities for growth. Make a list of the things that didn’t work for you and the obstacles you faced so far this year. Because remember, you are going to do a lot of things that don’t work before you find the things that will - so don’t think of these items as failures, but as lessons learned.

3. How do you want to feel next quarter? Now let’s visualize the best outcome for the next quarter! You can document specific projects you want to accomplish but I’d also encourage you to write about how you want to feel.

Now that you have established some dos and don’ts, this would be a good time to evaluate your goals and action items, are there any changes you need to make?

Mindset plays a huge role

Beyond setting and keeping track of your goals… trust me, I know from experience that without the proper mindset, you will not only NOT reach your goals, but you will probably face extreme burnout.

So, going into this year, I want to share some mindset shifts that can help you find success as a content creator.

Healthy comparison

Comparing yourself to other creators is a dangerous path and I suggest you be cautious and avoid comparing yourself to others. The only time I consider comparison healthy is when doing market research. When you are doing research, it’s not bad to observe others in your niche and it’s also good to connect with them to build a creator network - but make sure you aren’t getting stuck in a comparison trap.

Target humans first

Something that I really focused on last year, which made a huge difference in my results, is focusing more on what I thought humans wanted to see - versus the algorithm. Yes, SEO and social media algorithms are important, especially when you’re just starting out … but something that is even more important is the community you’re trying to build. Yes, the actual real-life people watching your videos or reading your posts.

Just do a little at a time

Again, as creatives, it’s in our nature to go all in and keep busy, but sometimes we need to just take a step back, remember what we want out of this, and just do a little each day to help us get there. It’s not a race, it’s a leisurely hike - enjoy the scenery.

Have a life outside of content creation

Don’t make this the only thing you care about because trust me, that is the fastest path to burnout. Make sure you aren’t neglecting the other areas of your life that bring you happiness and joy.

I really hope this episode helps inspire you to set some goals this year but also reminds you how important your mental health is throughout this content creation journey. Don’t ever let your goals and ambitions sacrifice your health and happiness. If you need some extra support in setting your goals this year, remember to check out my notion template. And if you need some help with any of your content creation, Creatorly Media probably has a service for you - so check them out at


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